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10 Questions with Mike, a Confectioner

10 Questions With…. A new series showing you a little bit of work-life in the Chocolate Factory! Mike, Confectioner 1. How did you get started with Wilbur’s of Maine? Well, I answered a Craigslist ad for the job, actually. Now,…
10 Questions With…. A new series showing you a little bit of work-life in the Chocolate Factory! Mike, Confectioner 1. How did you get started with Wilbur’s of Maine? Well, I answered a Craigslist ad for the job, actually. Now, it’s been two years since I started. Here, Mike adjusts the nozzles on the belt coater, as he makes Milk Chocolate Raisins. 2. As a confectioner, you work in the Panning Room making all of the Panned Chocolates, the largest part…
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10 Questions With Jenn, a Factory Employee

10 Questions With…. A new series showing you a little bit of work-life in the Chocolate Factory! Jenn, Factory Employee Q1. I see you’re working on our painted chocolate roses. What are the steps that go into creating these beauties?…
10 Questions With…. A new series showing you a little bit of work-life in the Chocolate Factory! Jenn, Factory Employee Q1. I see you’re working on our painted chocolate roses. What are the steps that go into creating these beauties? Jenn: The molds have to be painted, then the painted layer cooled. Lydia shoots the molds, adds the skewer. Then, they cool again, usually about 15 minutes. Then the skewer is wrapped with floral tape to become the stem. The leaves…
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How to Temper Chocolate at Home

Watch Your Temper One of the basics of chocolate handling is a little process called Tempering. Thanks to those good folks churning out bags of chocolate pieces you can get at the grocery store most of us think we can…
Watch Your Temper One of the basics of chocolate handling is a little process called Tempering. Thanks to those good folks churning out bags of chocolate pieces you can get at the grocery store most of us think we can throw some chocolate in the microwave to melt and call it a day. However, have you ever been working with melted chocolate, making some chocolate-covered cookies for example, or pretzels and the chocolate looked cloudy or turned white when it cooled?…
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Our Second Love, Chocolate Dipped Cookies

Our Second Love If you’re new to Wilbur’s of Maine Chocolate Confections there is something you should know about us, right off the bat. We love chocolate. That would seem obvious given that we are a chocolate company, but it…
Our Second Love If you’re new to Wilbur’s of Maine Chocolate Confections there is something you should know about us, right off the bat. We love chocolate. That would seem obvious given that we are a chocolate company, but it just feels good to say it. WE. LOVE. CHOCOLATE. As a result, there isn’t much we don’t cover in chocolate and quite successfully I might add: blueberries, cranberries, almonds, peanuts, gummy bears (you heard me), pretzels…the list goes on. Well, if…
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How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies the Wilbur’s Way

Chocolate chip cookies! There are few things in the food world as delectable as a simple, chewy (that’s right, I said chewy. You crispy cookie people can mosey along), melty chocolate chip cookie. In fact, let’s give this cookie a…
Chocolate chip cookies! There are few things in the food world as delectable as a simple, chewy (that’s right, I said chewy. You crispy cookie people can mosey along), melty chocolate chip cookie. In fact, let’s give this cookie a little respect: Chocolate. Chip. Cookie. There, that’s better. We make our cookies with, of course, Wilbur’s dark chocolate bark (get it by calling 1.877.CHOCLIT). Honestly, that’s what separates the men from the boys in the cookie world. Once you see the…
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How to Make Your Own Painted Chocolate Bunny Pops for Easter

Have you ever been shopping and seen those cute chocolate pops with the painted colors and wondered, “How did they do that?” Or maybe you’ve been to your local craft store and seen the candy molds and thought, “I could…
Have you ever been shopping and seen those cute chocolate pops with the painted colors and wondered, “How did they do that?” Or maybe you’ve been to your local craft store and seen the candy molds and thought, “I could do that!” Well, we are here to tell you it is not as hard as it seems! With Easter upon us, it’s a good time to try this technique. As we all know, there are few things cuter than a chocolate…
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